Sunday, May 25, 2014

Jason and Amanda Visit

We started our weekend with a lovely date night on Saturday night. Jamie and I got away for a movie and dinner while the boys hung out with our great neighborhood sitter. After church the next day Samuel and I headed south to the airport to pick up Jason and Amanda. It was quite sweet to get a running, smiling hug greeting from Jason. The boys immediately hit it off and played together really well. Jason liked to do whatever Judah was doing. We had several adventures over the week. We had sent Jason the book “Larry Gets Lost in Seattle” so he was anxious to ride a ferry boat. After getting some ice cream we took an impromptu ferry ride to Kingston and back one evening when the weather turned out to be glorious. The boys ran all over and had lots of fun.

Jamie had Tuesday off for Memorial Day and since it was a business day and the Sounder Train was running we decided we should make that happen for Judah, plus Amanda wanted to do some downtown adventuring. So we got up bright and early to make the 7:15 train out of Everett. Samuel and I dropped them off and started to drive down to pick them up on the other end. That’s when the adventure got a bit hairy. Jamie will have to relate the whole story, but let’s just say it was stressful but they made the train! After that things went more smoothly. We had a nice walk at the statue park, took lots of pictures and had a snack. Amanda, the boys, and I continued to walk toward the market while Jamie moved the car. We got some yummy food at the market for lunch (crab rangoon, yumm!). Then headed to the Seattle Great Wheel. We got four revolutions on the wheel and got to see the view in glorious sunshine. Then it was time to head home for naps.

Wednesday Jamie headed back to work. We debated what to do with the weather and it turned out pretty decent so we went down to the zoo. We got to see elephants, monkeys, giraffes, and more! Amanda got the boys animal crackers for the ride home and we made it without falling asleep to nap at home.

The next few days we played lots more, had a great seafood dinner out, and we wrapped up the week with a fun halibut dinner with our neighbors, the Rikalos.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Samuel is 7.5 Weeks!

And just like that there goes a month! Samuel is now 7.5 weeks old, almost 2 months and I’m finding it hard to believe. He was 11 pounds at his post circumcision appointment (about 5 weeks old), so still eating really well. He has stretched out this sleeping and now does 5, 6, and sometimes 7 hours at night! Of course he sometimes is up until after midnight, but since I’m a night owl I usually don’t mind. Sadly, Judah’s sleeping has regressed some and I’m up more in the night with him on some occasions. All in all I’m still pretty tired and still very brain dead as a result.

Samuel is still a great baby. He actually loves being on his changing table and most times it calms him down, not sure if that’s the nice window he can look out or what. He enjoys baths and snuggles and laying on his back. Not a huge fan of the swing or even the bouncy chair. He actually does better just in the middle of the floor. No major fussiness, except for some gassiness in the evenings which resolves once we can bounce, patt, bend, or somehow get the fart or burp out. I joke that he burps and farts like a man but its really true! They are loud and in the case of farts, stinky. He also seems to be a poop every few days kinda guy, so we have to be prepared for blowouts.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day and Samuel's Dedication

This Sunday was Mother’s Day and they usually do baby dedications at church so we decided to dedicate Samuel. Jamie’s family (Andi, Dan, Jenn, Bryan, Hazel, and Gus) were all able to come down for the weekend to join us in celebrating and some family time. Sadly Judah developed an awful cough Friday night and coughed all night long, so between that and Samuel’s feedings I was wiped out and not good for much Saturday morning. They left me in bed (glorious!) and all headed to Grandma’s hotel to swim in the pool. I joined up with them for lunch and then the girls headed out to pedicures while the boys chilled at home. Jamie got Judah to sleep a little, which was good because his best friend Charlie’s birthday party at Pump it Up was at 1:45. Judah had a blast in the bouncy houses and on the slide. I even did the slide and it was pretty fun. We got home and the Johnson clan decided to head out on a spur of the moment adventure. They invited Judah along and so Jamie, Samuel, and I were left to have a last minute, impromptu date night to PF Changs! We all returned home having had great times, you can’t plan this stuff sometimes. Sunday we were up bright and early to head to church for the 8:30 service. We chose this verse to dedicate Samuel. It is the same one we used with Judah but we really liked it and it is our prayer for all our kids.

Micah 6:8

He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?